Pick Pigs™ are a fun new way for children to learn about money management. Our colorful illustrated book teaches SAVING, SHARING and SPENDING. Use our matching stickers to make piggy banks.
Container suggestion, clear plastic
The Colors of Pick Pigs |
SAVING pig is red...like "stop" and save.
SHARING pig is blue...the giving, caring color.
SPENDING pig is green...like "go" and spend a little.
Look for these colors on the pages of the Pick Pigs book!
Why Three Piggy Banks Are Better Than One |
It is a timely issue. The next generation of children must learn how to manage money wisely! Children, starting at age three, can learn the basic principles, if they are presented in a fun way.
Having only one piggy bank is confusing for young children. Just one piggy bank represents SAVING. But there are two other important
piggy banks: SHARING and SPENDING.
Young children can be taught that SAVING means keeping monehy for along time, until there is enough to pay for all of something important.
SHARING means keeping money to share with others, like a present for a friend or a gift to help someone else. And SPENDING means keeping money to spend right now, like on a small item, perhaps a book or toy.
Learning from three piggy banks forms a valuable foundation of money managementr skills. Those basic skills can be later expanded upon to include allowances, earning money and investing. Families can discuss examples of SAVING, SHARING and SPENDING to fit their values.
Now is the time! Start teaching children ages three and up, about SAVING, SHARING and SPENDING.
Pick Pigs Help Parents! |
A Trip to the Toy Store
Jason, age six, is invited to his friend's birthday party.
Jason and his mom plan a trip to the toy store.
Without Pick Pigs:
At the toy store, Jason sees a lot of toys that he wants right now for himself. He asks his mom over and over if he can have them. He can't even remember that he is shopping for a gift for his friend...
With Pick Pigs:
Before going to the toy store, Jason's mom asks Jason if he would like to give one dollar from his SHARING pig to help buy the gift for his friend. Jason agrees, and takes one dollar from his SHARING pig to the toy store.
Jason also sees a toy that he would like for himself. Jason's mom asks him, "Do you have enough money in your SPENDING pig for the toy?" Jason nods, "yes." Jason's mom replies, "If that is how you would like to use the money from your SPENDING pig, you may buy the toy."
The NEW Pick Pigs are a fun way for children ages 3 and up learn how to manage money wisely.
The Pick Pigs Book and Sticker Set |

By: Becky Brown
Delightfully illustrated by Sue Krauer. |
This Pick Pigs book is for children ages 3-7. Julia learns examples of SAVING, SHARING and SPENDING from friends, neighbors and family members. She then picks where to put her money in her three Pick Pigs piggy banks.
Children will enjoy a surprise ending when Julia reveals what she purchased with her SPENDING pig money.
Book size: 6½" x 6½" — 28 pages
LCCN: 2008908920
Order the Book and Sticker Set
$10.00 plus $2.50 postage
plus 8.75% Sales Tax in California
Order the Book Only in print or Kindle electronic book editions from Amazon.com.
También, ofrecemos el libro en español, imprimido o versión Kindle.
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